Glossary of Terms

Trauma-focused therapy — A specific approach to therapy that recognizes and emphasizes understanding how the traumatic experience impacts a child’s mental, behavioral, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) is a short-term, goal-focused, evidence-based therapeutic approach, which incorporates positive psychology principles and practices, and which helps clients change by constructing solutions rather than focusing on problems.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder – Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and occurs when a person gets caught in a cycle of obsessions and compulsions [1].

Obsessions — unwanted, intrusive thoughts, images, or urges that trigger intensely distressing feelings.

Compulsions — behaviors an individual engages in to attempt to get rid of the obsessions and/or decrease distress.

Complex trauma – a series of traumatic events that take place over a long period of time.

Anxiety – Intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations.

Clinical depression – A mental health disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a structured, goal-oriented type of talk therapy to help manage mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety, and emotional concerns, such as coping with grief or stress.

Bipolar disorder – A disorder associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs.

Grief – The response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone or some living thing that has died, to which a bond or affection was formed.

Eating disorders – Behavioral conditions characterized by severe and persistent disturbance in eating behaviors and associated distressing thoughts and emotions.

Self-Esteem: An evaluation one makes of how much value they see themselves as having, both to others and within the world. In other words, a self-judgment of worth.